Some of you may know from Facebook that we have purchased our first official Soap Mobile. We’re thinking of naming her Bubbles. Seems fitting right?
Well, the reason for adding Bubbles to our lives was two fold:
1 – To avoid any more wear and tear on our personal cars (Wayne’s Civic is getting up in age and we’d like to avoid replacing it anytime soon)
2 – To be able to build out a slightly more upscale booth display
With that in mind, we used the first couple weeks in January to look for inspiration. Oddly enough, we both managed to fall in love with the same piece of furniture at Pottery Barn:
Goregous right? Unfortunately it also came with a gorgeous price tag to the tune of $1,300 or so. We knew we couldn’t swing that for a booth setup. We found one at the Pottery Barn Outlet in Gaffney marked down to $700, but it was still slightly too steep for us. Instead, I challenged Wayne to build it. It seemed like a natural progression. To make life easier, I even found plans online for him to use. :)
Here’s his first run:
Impressed? I was. I need to stage it to make it look a bit more Pottery Barn-esque and would like to find more subtsantial hardware that isn’t $75/pull, but otherwise I think it’s pretty snazzy and with mistakes, and a new saw, the total cost was around $450.
He’s already working on the second piece which will be a variation on this. Hopefully in another week or so we can share our whole new booth design. Stay tuned!