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Way back in June, Sara and I vended at Blackburg's Summer Solstice festival through Burnt Creative.  The festival drew a huge crowd and we had a great time both representing Whispering Willow, and enjoying the sights and sounds around us.

Early in the show, we saw this and I literally had to run down the street to catch a photo....

Virginia Tech

...and yep, that scale is pretty close to right.  It was hot and he (she?) was on stilts and covered in metally-looking pieces. It was very hard not to continuously stare.  Apparently he/she is a regular fixture at the Virgina Tech games.

We were set up right across the street from Patina South.  Tracy and I have run into each other quite a bit over the festival season and it is always fun to chat.

Patina South

Another friendly face is Kiona from Lucky Accessories.  I see her at tons of shows and never seem to get a decent picture of her adorable jewelry.  This time?  Success!

Lucky Accessories

The High Fiber was also present.  She makes adorable tea towels and onesies.

High Fiber Arts

There was also a selection of vintage clothing..

Vintage Clothing

Plush owls (always a favorite of mine for some reason)

Plush Owls

And Merry Monsters!

Merry Monsters

How freaking adorable are they?!?

Merry Monsters

Not interested in shopping?  There was also Tarot Card Readings...

Tarot Card Reading

Face painting...

Face Painting

...and a Flea Circus (for real).

Flea Circus

Our favorite customer of the day by far was this fabulous little one:

Favorite Customer

Who took a minute to stop and shop.

Favorite Customer

Before Sara and I headed home, we had a chance to visit with Sara's friend Colleen and her family.  Remember how Colleen was pregnant the last time we headed to Blacksburg?

Caroline & Family

Well, meet Carolyn.  Isn't she something?




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